Sunday, June 15, 2008

israel through reese's eyes

(Editors Note:…Today’s Blog (or Log as Reese calls it) is going to be as seen through the eyes of a 3 ¾ year old. Besides a Chucky Cheese worker, Reese wants to be a photographer just like her Uncle Darin so all the pictures will be taken with a pink Fisherprice (1 megapixel) camera held dear to Reese. So don’t mind the random nature of this post but enjoy the simplicity of a little girl that sees things the same no matter what side of the ocean she is on.)

there are lots of cats in israel. they are not people’s pets. mom & dad say that i am not allowed to touch them. they live all over the ground. as we walk i like to look for them. we also see lots of birds in cages – big & little.

the moms and girls in israel wear lots of pants (editors note – they actually wear dresses or skirts – not sure why she said that). the daddies and boys wear pants and hats.

we eat a lot of eggs, watermelon, and we even eat little hotdogs for breakfast. and mostly everyday we get to have a popcycle on days mommy says it is OK

it is always sunny, windy & hot

there are lots of strangers here – they are nice. mommy makes me be friendly when i am shy. sometimes they even kiss my cheek. i have an emergency whistle to blow when there is an emergency & mommy or daddy isn’t there. one stranger gave me a camel – just a pretend one.

there is a special wall where people pray - we can pray anywhere we want not just at the wall. carter and me chased some birds there

on our last day I get to buy some treats. i want to buy some bracelets and some special containers (editor's note - have no idea what that is!)

for fathers day i bought daddy some candy and a shirt. daddy shared the candy with me. me and carter even drew a picture for him. mine had lots of sheep with coulorfuls.

the weirdest thing i saw was a big piece of meat that looked like a turkey, but it was just meat (editors note- sheep actually)

i miss my other littlest pet shops. i was only allowed to bring a few. i miss lewis and my big dora. i would like to live in canada but visit israel lots. see you soon!


corrievt said...

I'm loving the blog Michelle and Jeff. And Reese, I loved your entry! I'm glad to see things through your eyes. I can't wait to see you again!
the videos are great too - makes the distance feel less, and makes it somehow feels like we can share more in your experience even while you're there.
Love you!

Unknown said...

hahaha... Reese, you're such a good blogger! I loved reading what you had to say about your trip. The video was so cute too. THANKS!!!
Michelle, is JUC letting you take the kids there lots? Is Martha still there?

Unknown said...

i love coke bottles too!

i sure hope i can maybe buy one today, if not, a popcicle would be nice too

adrianne has a kitty named fluffy, you would love her

thank you for taking cool pictures

i love the picture of the kitty, do you get to pet them?

have a good day reese
