Friday, May 30, 2008

Here we go!

WOW! It's hard to believe that we are on the threshold of three of the most fun, adventurous, memorable months that we as a family have had so far. We have been privileged to be able to take a 3 month break from our church to study, travel, and just plain ole' waist time with each other. We can't wait! Wednesday June 4 we head off to Israel for five weeks. Jeff will be studying for three of the weeks at Jerusalem University College, taking a course Michelle took nine years ago, while Michelle and the kids will be tagging along and hanging out together. The other two weeks will be filled with our own travel & sightseeing. WE look so forward to just being together. First we have to brave 15 hours of flight with an ACTIVE 18 month old & 3 1/2 year old. Please pray for us!! We hope to keep you updated on our travels so check back often.


Unknown said...

We're sooooo excited for you four! Have a blast!!! We'll be praying for you ~ SHALOM!

corrievt said...

right now you're JUST getting on the plane in Vancouver...thinking of you!!!!

Brad said...

Have a great time you guys...we'll be thinking about you.


shawn said...

heres praying for creativity to think of TONS of games to play with Carter and Reese in an airplane seat.
"I spy with my little eye, something that is grey.....the airplane's chicken dinner!!"
Love ya

Unknown said...

how did the flights go with carter and reese?